January 9, 2024
status report
Time for a demo of the current state of the project. We have a library, context menus, super wiggly cables, and all the other stuff we’ve seen up to this point. Here it is, all coming together. I have a hard time believing this is all my work. I am beside myself, and so proud of what I’ve managed to accomplish in the last year.
So then, what’s left? A lot! But here’s a short list off the top of my head:
- User preferences.
- Keeping track of the position of modules between runs.
- Spawning modules in a consistent location (ie, next to the library actor when spawned from the library).
- Launching my build of Rack along with the Unreal app.
- File opening, saving.
- Injecting my module into any opened files, then removing it before I save and close them.
- Packaging all of this up into some kind of distributable.
- And on and on… a thousand tiny and not-so-tiny things to take care of.
I have to start focusing on finding a new job, so development here is going to slow down considerably, but I’m excited to get this to a place where I can get it into other people’s hands.