November 18, 2024

status report, ~1yr later

In the last post, I said I needed to start looking for a job. The good news is, I found a job! Less good, finding a new job took SIX MONTHS. woof. I also bought a new house, moved, and sold my old house. I continued to work on the project, but with everything else going on, keeping this blog updated fell by the wayside. I'd like to get back to it, so I'll start off with another status report.

Caution: there is audio in this video, but not until ~3:17

What's new? So, so much. This thing is almost to the point where I feel like all functionality is in place, which is to say the parity I would like to have with rack-proper is pretty close. Some highlights are:

Here's a more complete changelog for the nerds who like reading changelogs (hey, friend!)




